ATVs are versatile vehicles that you can use for work and recreation. You may often find these models at campgrounds and recreational trails and tackling minor hauling tasks at farms and ranches. No matter where you use your quad, you’ll want to keep it safe from the prying eyes of crooks.

Our experts at Tracy Motorsports have created this guide to highlight a few ways to secure your ATV—whether you are at home or a campsite. Read on to learn more about preventing ATV thefts, and then visit our dealership to get your concerns addressed. We’re in Tracy, CA, and happy to welcome our friends from Stockton and Modesto.

Remove Your Keys

Make it a rule to never leave the key in your ATV when unattended. This simple measure can ensure thieves don’t get easy access to start your vehicle and ride away.

Block it With a Larger Vehicle

When leaving your quad unattended for some time, you’ll want to make sure your model isn’t visible. As you may know, the easiest way to steal an ATV is simply rolling it away. That’s why you’ll want to make sure you block your model with a larger vehicle. You can even consider parking it in between a solid object like a wall or something similar and your car.

Lock Your ATV

Another useful tip you’ll want to follow is to store your ATV in an indoor area like a locked shed or garage. Make sure your barn’s locking system is robust enough to keep your quad safe.

If you don’t have an indoor storage space, keep your ATV in an outdoor shed. It’ll be better if that location is connected to your house or within your sight and hearing. This will deter someone from getting too close to your machine as they will fear drawing your attention.

Use a Chain and Lock System

In addition to locking the door to your shed, you’ll want to use a good-quality lock and chain to secure your ATV. Chaining up your quad will help prevent someone from rolling your machine. However, you’ll need to ensure you use a robust pole or shaft, which won’t break easily.

Install Security Cameras

Security cameras are another theft deterrent measure that many ATV owners use. Though they won’t prevent someone from stealing your machine, they can provide you with the evidence of the instance. This can direct the investigation in the right direction, helping you identify the miscreants. These devices are affordable, and you’ll want to install a few as soon as possible.

We hope these tips help you keep your ATV secured against thefts. If you have more questions or need more advice on securing your quad, visit Tracy Motorsports. Our knowledgeable staff can address your concerns and share a tip or two about keeping your model safely. We are in Tracy, CA, and proud to serve those from Stockton and Modesto.